Our Mission
The mission of Meals on Wheels Mesa County is to promote the independence, health and well being of the elderly in Mesa County through quality nutritional services. MOW MC provides affordable lunchtime meals to seniors age 60 and older in Mesa County. Today, the program prepares and serves over 200,000 meals annually – 600 or more per day. MOW MC serves lunch at eight dining site locations and is the only Meals on Wheels program for Mesa County. Over 550 meals are home delivered each weekday to the frail and homebound elderly in the Grand Valley.
Our Story
Home-Delivered meals were started locally in 1970 as a totally volunteer service offered by the First Congregational Church. When federal funds became available, the home-delivered meals were transferred to the Catholic Social Services agency which was also the first sponsor for the congregate senior nutrition program. Our previous location at 551 Chipeta Avenue, was first opened in 1983. In 2022 the program moved into the Food Bank of the Rockies Western Slope Etkin Family Distribution Center at 698 Long Acre Drive. The program has been sponsored by St. Mary’s Hospital since 1989, a component of the hospital’s Mission Integration Program.
Meet the Team
These are the people that make sure the Wheels stay on the Meals!

Amanda de Bock
If you'd like information on how you can support Meals on Wheels Mesa County please email Amanda at [email protected] or call her at 298-9844

Adrienne Carlo
Home Delivery Coordinator
If you'd like information on receiving Home Delivered Meals or information on becoming a volunteer please email Adrienne at [email protected] or call her at 298-9844

Jenny Brahmsteadt
Dining Site Coordinator
If you would like information on attending one of our Dining Sites or how to become a volunteer please email Jenny at [email protected] or call her at 298-9844
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